3D printed versatile devices for self grooming
(Brief information in my Thingyverse page or by clicking on each image below)
I like 3D printing. for me, it’s like an intermediate course in LEGO – just that instead of the Wooshy Bricky sound in the living room – there are the quiet tweets of a RepRap printer in my small home studio while the build happens on its own.
This project was the final in a course discussing technology given by Atar Brosh on my 6th semester (6.2014). I was trying to break the barear of the 1$ shave (which is’nt hard – no shipping, no billing, no middle man – just print and use with good-old standard razors) , but found myself making something much more interesting.
2014 heading north – 3D printing is common, RepRap is a well recognised technology, self-customization and product modification is not a dream in the tech-talk – it’s a cliché. Musicians, Makers, Fixperts, Hackers, Terrorists – are all individuals acting in the tribes they choose to act in, re-designing reality. this glocal revolution is a huge step towards a post modern, chaotic world, full of anarchy and opportunities, just like the one described by Phil lord and Christopher miller in their 2004 “LEGO Movie” as “Cloud Cuckoo Land”:
and that is why LEGO – The movie is not only totaly awesome and best movie of 2014, but also (in my personal view) is more relevant then captain obvious’ psychological thriller “her” (Spike Jonze, 2013) ever was. LEGO says that not only sometimes the right thing is to build a spaceship, but also that the only person who can save reality is a master-builder (thus a radical, talented designer, unbowed to standards ). Also it states that in a utopian, chaotic world, were there is an abundance of world saving, genuine, creative change agents, maybe the most special one is the one that will use instructions when most people would’nt.
the two “double-decker couches” (if you wish to call them that way) with their eclectic design, use many structural methods that fit 3D Printing unlike any other technology. you might also say that they resemble legos – shiny colors, no screws just instant-snaps. they are a call for a new esthetic etiquette, coded by new radicals, working in this new technological environment. he should thrive , just like any avant-guard creator prior to him, to break the chains of past tradition in order to create something new.
Modern designers said – less is more, 1 size fits all, mass production, mass housing, Ronald Mc’Donalds, Fords and Levy’s. Universal (Inclusive) designers are search the answers where thwy see rare disabilities – OXO good grips is always the best worn example for this. I went on a more Brutalistic aproach this semester, and my say was – to each his own, and to each his own Tribe.
On his book, “Makers – The New Industrial Revolution” Tim Brown states that following the mass infestation of 3D printers, the first industry that will probably have a very hard time will be the toy industry. the people at LEGO know this, but they shouldn’t worry – many toys will be printed and designed by us master builders, but people actually enjoy following instructions.
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2014 heading north – my wish is that more designers will stop designing cheap expensive toys, in exchange for better use of their time in changing sad truths. one is that most people still follow the instructions and playing part of a team, weather it’s their goal they are fighting for or not.
Godspeed to all,